
Cycling: The only good thing Armstrong ever did. And isn't allowed to now.

Lance Armstrong isn't allowed to participate in the Gran Fondo ride his old friend George Hincapie is organizing this weekend. Although it is a charity event, it is an authorized event from USADA. Several of Armstrong's old team mates: Vande Velde, Livingston and of course Hincapie himself  join the ride. They are allowed to participate. Lance isn't. But hey, no witch hunt or anything.

Those who read some of my other posts on this blog, know that I have never hide my respect for the American. But this is just a case of justice. I am well aware Lance isn't the most popular guy in the world right now but why does he in particular has to be punished again and again for the mistake he made 10 years ago. I said it before and I will probably have to say it again: why only Armstrong? Everybody from the US Postal team doped but they haven't nearly been as punished as Lance. They can participate without any problem. How is this justice? I know many people think the Texan doesn't deserves justice but he does.

I said and wrote it a million times: it isn't fair to punish Armstrong harder because he's Armstrong. Ok, he was the leader of the team, he was the one with the highest salary, he was the one the team followed. But at the end they all did the same, they all doped. Not only US Postal but the majority of the peleton. UCI and USADA always denied the investigation was a witch hunt against Armstrong, but honestly how can you not call this a witch hunt? One cyclist is paying the price for a epoch of doping. Justice, yeah right!

Everyone can agree that founding Livestrong is one of the (few) good things Armstrong has done. He has been great in charity work, he's a born speecher and does actually care for people who need help. Why can't he even do that anymore? He has been forced to leave the organisation he founded and now he can't even participate in a charity ride. Should they really push it this far? In my opinion, Lance should just start in the event. What on earth are they going to do to him? Ban him from cycling for life and give him an insane harsh punishment or something? Oh wait...

Catya Leroux

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