
MotoGP: In memory of Marco Simoncelli

Three years have passed since the horrible crash which ended the life of Marco Simoncelli way too soon. Three years and it still feels as if it was yesterday. MotoGP moved on, but there still is something large, with curly hair missing. And the question "What if Marco was racing?" still occurs to me often. Come on, Marquez vs Simoncelli, that would have been exceptional. What if...What if tragedy hadn't struck three years ago?

I honestly think I never going to be able to delete the footage of the crash from my memory. Too bad. I saw the crash happening once, live on television, but I can still see it in front of me when I close my eyes. But now that three years have passed, I think I moved on from the real sadness and came into the state of being proud that I have known Marco and that I have been able to see him race. For me, Marco is being able to smile when someone says “I’ll be arrest!”. I have many great memories of Marco and those will never fade. 

Because of our SuperSic I have met many great people, all around the world. Bounded by one man. And I honestly think that’s incredible. If you can touch and change the lives of so many people, you must have been pretty extraordinary. I here also want to thank everybody who has supported me on the “We want a Simoncelli corner at Mugello” project. We’re not there yet and I maybe we never will but the support we’ve got has been immense. And I can never thank all of you enough for that. 

We still miss you, Marco and that will never change. But for us, you will live on forever, we will never forget you and there will always be a place for you in our hearts. Keep racing in heaven, SuperSic!

Catya Leroux

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